Your Task

 You are to take a picture of yourself while doing a demonstration of what you have learned from our blog. We are going to assign you to the type of disaster you are going to work on. (It's in the bottom of the page.) Please wear your PE uniform in the photo. (If your PE uniform doesn't fit you anymore, you can wear white t-shirt or polo shirt and pants instead. You are not allowed to wear shorts.) Click the button on the right, and it'll direct you to where you'll pass the photos. If you have questions, you can email us at

 Submission date: October 22, 2021


Before The Typhoon

During The Typhoon

Before The Earthquake

During The Earthquake

Before The Fire

During The Fire


Example: Mercado is assigned to T-B-1(Typhoon-Before-1), so she'll take a picture of herself while preparing ready-to-eat foods and water.


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